Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned
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This website is dedicated to all veterans and active duty of the United States Air Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National Guard helicopter groundcrew and aircrew, and the helicopters they flew and maintained.
Verne Armstrong, 1st Lt., USAF (Fallen)
May 24, 1919 – August 19, 1952
H-19A #51-3876
San Marcos, TX.
19 August 1952
Corsicana Daily Sun (Corsicana, TX.)
Wednesday, August 20, 1952, page 3
Two Men Killed In Copter Crash
San Marcos, Aug. 20 — (AP)
Two men killed Tuesday in the flaming crash of a six-place Air Force helicopter have been identified.
They were Capt. Ralph H. King, 27, of San Marcos AFB, instructor, and First Lt. Verne Armstrong, student, on temporary duty at San Marcos AFB.
King is survived by his widow who lives at San Marcos and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William E. King, Baltimore, Md. Armstrong, whose regular station was Dover, Del., AFB, is survived by his widow and five children, all living at San Marcos.
The ‘copter crashed 15 miles north of here Tuesday. A witness said the craft fell to earth and burned after its rear propeller tore loose in flight.
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