Isidro Arroyo Jr.

1968-1970 With the 20th SOS “Green Hornets as a UH-1F Gunner in Vietnam.

A Weapons spec with the Green Hornets SOG in Vietnam in 1968-1970. Other then Purple Heart, I received, Air Medal, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star, Cheney Award in 1969.
I served with Great Men some like Capt Lynch, Capt Andrews, Col. Rands, Jj Johnson, Sgt. Rowland, Sgt.Woodward, gosh so many more, these are just the few of the great men. I was shot down twice in Vietnam, I or We lost so many great men in combat. The Green Hornets know of them. My time in the Air Force covered all my feelings from A-Z. I could write a whole book but I will just leave it to this… GOD BLESS ALL AND ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT GAVE ALL.

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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