Jeff Bailey

1982 – 1984 at Mtn. Home AFB, ID. with Det 22, 40th ARRS as a UH-1N Crew Chief.

1984 – 1987 at Ramstien AB, Germany with Det. 2, 67th ARRS as a UH-1N Crew Chief.

1987 – 1993 at Eglin AFB, FL. with the 55th ARRS/SOS as a MH-60G Crew Chief.

1993 – 1995 at Hurlburt Fld., FL. with the 16th Ops Group in MH-53/MH-60 Quality Assurance.

1995 – 1996 at NAS Keflavik, Iceland with the 56th RQS as Pro Super on HH-60G.

1996 – 1998 at Hurlburt Fld., FL. with the 18th FLTS as H-53/H60 Flight Test Director.

1998 – 2000 at Hurlburt Fld., FL. with HQ AFSOC/LGM as MH-53/60 Logistics Program Manager.

2000 – 2004 at Hurlburt Fld., FL. with HQ AFSOC/XPQ (A5R) as Chief, CV-22 Airframe Logistics.

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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