Enlisted April 1966 and BMT at Lackland AFB

Sheppard AFB for basic helicopter school.

Remained at Sheppard AFB, assigned to 3630th FTW and worked on H-19s, H-1s and H-3s on flight line maintenance.

Oct 1968 – Oct 1969 H-3 maintenance at NKP Thailand (21st. SOS)

Oct 1969 – back to Sheppard AFB for H-3 flight line duty

Jan 1971 – Jan 1972 back to NKP (21st SOS) Flight line duty

Jan 1972 – Aug 1973 Assigned to 100th SRS for duty as Flight Engineer on H-3s for In-flight Drone Recovery.  Did TDY in Osan Korea and NKP Thailand (yes, again).

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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