Helicopter Accidents
This page documents U.S. Air Force helicopter accidents. If you have any information to contribute, please contact us.
Sheppard AFB, TX
6 Nov 1967
Copter Blast Kills Airman
WICHITA FALLS, Tex (AP) – One airman was killed and five others injured when a jet-propelled helicopter exploded on a service apron at Sheppard Air Force Base Monday.
Killed in the blast was Airman 1C Overton A. Lyle, 21, of Whittier, Calif.
Seriously burned was SSgt. Maurice Sabourin, 23, of Wichita Falls. The other four were treated and released. They were Sgt. Larry Collins, TSgt. William Lovassuer, SSgt. Gene Talley, and Sgt. Robert L. Dilliard, all of Wichata Falls.
The cause of the blast was not determined immediately.
The Air Force said no crew members were aboard the helicopter when the blast occurred. The engine was being revved up during maintenance work on the craft.
A witness said the craft exploded with a huge buff of smoke and a deafening roar. An ensuing fire was quickly extinguished.

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