Devlin, James W. Jr.

James William Devlin Jr., SSgt., USAF
February 02, 1947 – December 27, 2020
Boise, Idaho – Born in the city of Alta Dena California on February 2, 1947; to his parents Francesca Madrid and James W. Devlin. Interestingly the same date of birth as his father. Making his junior more of a statement.
Jim as everyone called him; passed away in December 2020 at his home in Boise Idaho. Almost made it to his 74th birthday.
Was his passing expected??..No. Was it a surprise??..No. Like all things, life is riding the current as it ebbs and flows.
Jim or Jimbo as some family called him served in the Unites States Air Force with an honorable discharge from 1967-1971; with final ranking of Staff Sargent. Stationed in Thailand as a helicopter mechanic.
After the Air force he joined the Gas Company as he pursued a career in Firefighting. He was a proud member of the City of Arcadia Fire Department. Working his way from a firefighter to Paramedic and his final role as an Engineer. He was very proud to have had an untarnished driving record with the City. Forced to retire a little early for medical reasons he kept himself busy. Picked up playing the fiddle, Archery, and liked to travel when he was feeling happy. Loved the City of Seattle.
His other love of his life was his furry mates. Chica was his sole mate. Raccoons, cats, geese and many other furry friends were always welcomed at Jim’s House. Even a skunk or two. He in fact had a sign hanging in front of his house that stated “EAT AT JIM’s”.
He didn’t believe this himself but Jim was a smart, articulate, charming, very funny and a most generous human. He loved his family and friends intensely. He unfortunately suffered from mental health disease that would often put a strain on all of those relationships. He would push many away and regardless of how he would withdraw he had a core set of friends and family that would be there for him. Thank You! Capt. Dave Wilson, Corky and Patty Marshburn, and of course the Concannon Ladies; Cathy, Colleen, and Kelly.
Above all else he was our Dad, Grandfather, friend and we learned so much from him. RESPECT, KINDNESS, and LOVE. He will be missed by all.
Jim was the youngest of 3 children. He is survived by his older brother Joe Bernard. Nephew Mike Cravens, Niece Taryn Palo. His children and their families. Joe and Matt Devlin, Dorene and Chuck Cooper and his grandchildren Bryce Cooper and Riley May Cooper.
Celebration of life will be held on June 6th 2021 in Boise, Idaho.
His military memorial services will be held June 7th 2021 10:00 AM MT; at the Boise Veterans Cemetery Boise Idaho
You all know Dad/Jim He liked to celebrate over a few days. 😉
Published by & from May 22 to May 23, 2021.
Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned
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