Final Flights

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
     -- General George S Patton, Jr.


The "Final Flight" page is for honoring and remembering those members of the Air Force helicopter family. Our friends will always be remembered as the great persons they were and for the part they played in our Air Force life.

Some may not have been a member of USAF ROTORHEADS, however they were friends of members. Had they been given the opportunity they would have been welcomed to the group.

NOTE: Those members of the Air Force helicopter family that were lost during armed conflict are honored on the "Armed Conflict" and "SEA KIA/MIA" pages of the website.

Taylor, William H. (KIA)
Teal, John Michael
Teamer, Franklin
Tedford, Billie D.
Thomas, David William
Thomas, Donald D.
Thomas, James R. (KIA)
Thomas, Peter J.
Thomas, William E. Jr.
Thompson, Donald Y.
Thompson, Gary
Thompson, Harold E.
Thompson, William E.
Thorburn, John A.
Thorson, Larry Dean
Tijerina, Albert Jr. (KIA)
Tingle, David Earl
Tinsman, John Edwin
Tollefsen, Albert Earl
Tolman, Gordon H.
Torres, Eliud
Touchette, Bernard L.
Tovar, Roland Navarro
Toy, Harry Clyde
Trail, Herbert W.
Trainer, Maxie Lee
Trapp, Charles E.
Travis, James Franklin
Treager, Irwin E.
Trim, Matthew Alan
Troppman, Charles R.
Trotter, Gary Lynn
Troyer, Carl Edward
Truitt, Grady – TX
Tullos, Lamar G.
Tunstall, Francis P. Jr.
Turnage, Jake M.
Turner, Richard E.
Turner, Richard William
Ulosevich, Steven N.
Unrath, Luke A.
Upton, Kurt Joseph
Urie, Rolland C.
Vallimont, Joseph Carl
Van Der Ploeg, Richard Lee
Van Deursen, Ferdinand W.
Van Irvin, Lawrence
Van Meter, Donald Edward
Vandegeer, Richard (KIA)
Vargas, William V.
Vaughn, Edward Douglas
Vendange, Oger J.
Vermeys, Carlton P.
Vick, Ralph E.
Vickory, Ronald
Vigare, Lenote M.
Villotti, James Stephen
Vining, Thomas J.
Vinson, Michael R.
Voas, Rendell D. (KIA)
Voigt, David A.
Von Phul, Stephen
Vriesenga, William P.
Waclaw, Donald
Wagner, Raymond A. (KIA)
Waitt, Weymer Hinckley Jr.
Waldeck, Robert Stephen
Walizer, Ray (Jolly Wally)
Walker, Cole E.
Walker, Frederick
Walker, Harry William
Walkup, Thomas A. Jr. (KIA)
Wallace, Ellis E.
Walls, Berry Robert
Walt, Robert Avert
Walters, Howard Arlen
Walther, Charles T.
Ward, Clifton E.
Ward, Robert C.
Warden, Beryl Edward Jr.
Warren, William J.
Wash, Nathan Jr.
Washington Jr., George A.
Washington, Milton S.
Waters, Don – AL
Watson, Joesph H. Jr.
Weatherford, Jack A
Webb, Steven V.
Webb, Walter E. III
Weber, Mark K.
Weber, Robert R.
Weeden, Dale N.
Weiland, Christy Adam Jr.
Weimer, John R. Jr.
Weitzel, Hurbert Frederick
Welborn, Melvin O’Neal
Welch, Donald C.
Welch, Harold T. Jr.
Welch, Paul T.
Weldon, Robert P. (KIA)
Welk, Timothy Michael
Wells, Joseph Louis Jr.
Wells, Maurice L.
Welsh, Donald Matchett
Wendin, Richard James
Wenning, Jack Heffner
Werber, William A.
West, Grover F.
West, James Howard
Wester, Albert D. (KIA)
Wetzel, Terry Lee
Wheat, Rollin T.
Wheeler, Bob
Whitacre, Mark
Whitbeck, Dyke H.
White, Benjamin D. (KIA)
White, Eugene Oscar III
White, James P.
White, Lanty Hale
White, Philip Edwin
White, Sawyer Roy
Whitebread, Sidney J.
Whitesides, Richard L. (KIA)
Whitney, Edgar Ray
Wildinger, Joseph V. Jr.
Wiley, Aubry Lee
Wilkerson, Carr Lane
Wilkerson, Desmond R. (KIA)
Wilkerson, Ronald J.
Wilkerson, William G.
Williams, Alma L.
Williams, Frank Arnold
Williams, Robert B.
Williams, Robert W. Sr.
Williams, Walter Samuel Jr.
Williams, William Farrow
Willis, Edward Martin
Wilson, Hernand E.
Wilson, Paul Harold D.
Wingfield, Billy J.
Winslow, Douglas Eugene
Winter, John H.
Wirth, Henry
Wisniewski, David A. (KIA)
Wissert, James Leo
Withington, Lothrop Jr.
Wolbert, Donald J. Jr.
Womack, James
Womble, Bernie V.
Wood, Carl George
Wood, Dennis G.
Wood, Patrick H. (KIA)
Wood, Wendell Bruce
Woodbury, James R.
Woodson, Jack Garner
Woodward III, Jabish Hisey
Woodward, Eldon D.
Woolverton, Buel Woodrow
Worsech, Delmar G.
Wotasik, Justin Christopher
Woten, Donald Arthur
Wozniak, Thomas Albert
Wright, Harry S. Jr.
Wright, Leo M.
Wright, LeRoy M.
Wright, Robert S.
Wright, Stanley Jr.
Wright, Stanley Jr.
Wurzburg, George E. Jr.
Wyatt, Thomas Sr.
Wyckoff, Bruce R.
Yancy, Curtis F.
Yeast, Timothy Alan
Yeend, Richard C. Jr. (KIA)
Yestness, Steven Ray
Yonteck, Frederick
York, Garland A.
York, Glen P.
Young, Dennis Ray
Young, Gerald O.
Young, Kelly Fredrick
Youngblood, Karl P.
Zachary, Rex Arlen
Zanetis, Christopher
Zdenek, Robert Madison
Zehnder, Herbert R.
Zeleznick, Joseph E.
Zenga, Ronald P. (KIA)
Zerbe, Daniel L. (KIA)
Zerbe, Theodore A.
Ziegler, John Christopher
Zultewicz, Joseph F.
Zurawski, Frank H.

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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