Helicopter Accidents
This page documents U.S. Air Force helicopter accidents. If you have any information to contribute, please contact us.
Elmendorf AFB, AK
5 May 1958
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (Fairbanks, AK)
Tue, May 06, 1958, page 9
Helicopter Crash Kills 3 Airmen
ANCHORAGE, May 6 (AP) — The crash of an Air Force helicopter, believed to have hit a high tension wire while on a search flight, killed three men and injured a fourth yesterday.
The aircraft’s commander, 1st Lt. John C. Artley, 23, Bradford, PA., was thrown clear when the H-21 helicopter from the 71st Air Rescue Squadron at Elmendorf Air Force Base dropped into the Knik River 25 miles northeast of here.
The pilot of the helicopter, 1st. Lt. Paul H. D. Wilson, 23, of San Diego, was killed in the crash, the Air Force said. Wilson is survived by his widow, Charmaine, and one child who live at Elmendorf.
The Air Force identified the others as TSgt. Everett R. Culver, 31, Devine, Tex., whose widow, Corabelle and two sons live at Elmendorf; TSgt. Daniel M. Coleman, 34, Palm City, Fla., and Montgomery, Ala. He is survived by his widow, Jesusa and two children at Elmendorf.
The crackup occurred during a search for the body of 1st. Lt. Carl E. Sandmeyer, Detroit, who disappeared on a flight last Thursday. Wreckage of Sandmeyer’s plane was found in Cook Inlet.
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