Heil, Jackie P. (KIA)

Jackie. P. Heil, Captain, USAF (KIA)
25 November 1941 – 25 September 1970
On September 25, 1970, a U.S. Air Force helicopter UH-1F (tail number 64-15484) from the 20th Special Operations Squadron (20th SOS) was the lead gunship of a flight of two on a combat mission. The aircraft hit trees while turning to avoid a mid-air collision with a VNAF CH-34 and subsequently caught fire after it came to rest. The fire destroyed the aircraft. The instructor pilot, Capt. Jackie P. Heil, and one gunner, MSgt. Gerald A. Cooper, were killed. The pilot and the other gunner were injured in the impact. A third helicopter which was transport configured and in the general area was called in. This helicopter recovered the two crew members and evacuated them to Duc Lap for medical treatment. They were later transported to Cam Ranh Bay. The survivors were Capt. Henry B. Carrington and SSgt. David J. Calvan. [Taken from vhpa.org]

Jack Heil was the youngest son of Scott and Ruth Heil. He graduated from Colorado State University in 1964 with a degree in agronomy. He was called ‘The Flying Farmer’ by his classmates in pilot training. He married Linda and became the father of Cynthia Lynn and Lora Ann.br He flew B-52’s out of Blytheville AFB and Huey’s out of Malmstrom AFB before flying with the 20th SOS ‘Green Hornets’ in Vietnam. He is still missed by his families: Linda, Cindy, Lora, Jay, Rylee and Addison; Norma, John, Jean, Henry and Mary; nieces and nephews.
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