Helicopter Accidents

This page documents U.S. Air Force helicopter accidents. If you have any information to contribute, please contact us.

Nellis AFB, NV
3 Sep 1998

S/N #88-26105
S/N #91-26359

Two HH-60G’s Pave Hawks #’s 88-26105 & 91-26359 (Call signs “Jolly 38 & 39”) of the 66th RQS at Nellis AFB, NV., collided in midair and crashed, 25 miles north of Indian Springs, NV., just west of Quartz Peak in the Pintwater Mountain Range, during a routine night training mission killing all 12 crewmembers on board the two helicopters.

“Jolly Green 38” crew consisted of:
Capt. Greg W. Lewis (P)
Capt. Phillip Miller (CP)
SSgt. Kevin M. Brunelle (FE)
SSgt. Kenneth W. “Kenny” Eaglin (FE)
MSgt. Matthew Sturtevant (AG)
Sr. Amn Jesse D. Stewart (PJ)

“Jolly Green 39” crew consisted of:
Lt. Col. William H. “Hal” Milton (P)
Capt. Karl Youngblood (CP)
TSgt. Jeffery R. Armour (FE)
SSgt. Adam Stewart (FE)
Sr. Amn. Justin Wotasik (PJ)
2nd Lt. Michael Harwell (MEP)



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