McCauley, Reese S. Jr.

Reese Stephens McCauley, Jr., USAF (Fallen)
February 17, 1931 – April 22, 1957
Helicopter Crash
22 April 1957
The Amarillo Globe-Times (Amarillo, Texas)
Wed, Apr 24, 1957 · Page 8
Texan Killed in Helicopter Crash
WASHINGTON (AP) – A texan was killed when a helicopter crashed in Japan Monday trying to rescue victims of a C-119 transport crash, the Air Force said yesterday.
He was 1st Lt. Reese Stephens McCauley Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Stephens McCauley Sr., Rt. 1, Chandler, Tex. Four men were killed in the transport crash and two others were injured in the helicopter mishap.
Air Force Identifies Crash Victims
22 April 1957
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (Fairbanks, Alaska)
Wed, Apr 24, 1957 · Page 2
Washingtion. April 24. (AP) – The Air Force yesterday identified four men killed in the crash of a C-119 transport in Japan Monday
It also reported the names of two men injured and one killed when a helicopter crashed while attempting a rescue.
Killed aboard the transport were:
Capt. Jack Leland Rushing, husband of Mrs. Marjorie L. Rushing, now living in Japan. His home town is listed as Little Rock, Ark.
Capt. Thomas William Conway, husband of Mrs. Norma Jean Conway, now living in Japan. His permanent address is in Pittsburgh.
SSgt. Arthur B. Carison, husband of Mrs. Nancy L. Carlson, living in Japan. His permanent address is Centerville, S.D.
Airman 2/C Neulond Louis Campbell, husband of Mrs. Leaine Blanche Campbell, La Crescent Minn. His permanent address is in La Crosse, Wis.
~ Helicopter Crash ~
Killed in the crash of the helicopter was 1st Lt. Reese Stephens McCauley Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Reese Stephens McCauley Sr., Rt. 1, Chandler, Tex.
The two men injured aboard the helicopter were:
SSgt. Dennis S. Fountain, husband of Mrs. Ardess Fountain, now living in Japan. His permanent address is Silverton, Ore.
1st Lt. Rodney Emmett Koch, husband of Mrs. Nevada Atwood Koch, now living in Japan. His permanent address is Seattle.
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Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned
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