Roger McDonald

HH-43B Fire Fighter Aircraft Crash Rescue A57150.

Sept 28, 1959, PVT. E-1 Co C 579th Eng. Bn. CA. Army National Guard at 900 Powell Ave Healdsburg, CA. to PFC (E-3) Roger W. McDonald. Capt. James W. Larner CE California Army National Guard Commanding. Healdsburg, CA.

Jun. 26, 1960, at Ft. Ord, CA. for Army basic training.

Sep. 1, 1960, PVT. E-2 Headquarters 4th Infantry Division Ft. Lewis, WA.

Dec. 26, 1960, PFC E-3 National Guard.

Apr. 19, 1961, at Lackland AFB, TX. for Basic Training A2C in the 3726th BMTS.

Jun. 1, 1961, 57130 fireman student 3505th SCHRon Greenville, AFB MS.

Aug. 8, 1961, fire protection specialist course ABR 57130 class 1461. Lt. Col. Eskelle V. Garrison Director Deptartment of Techanical Training.

Sep. 6, 1961, Travis AFB, CA., 1501st Civil Engineering Sq. MATS fireman.

Sep. 11, 1961, 57150 fire Prot. Spec. fire Dept.

Nov. 30, 1961, secret NAC 4th Dist OSI.

Jun. 19, 1962, pay base $124 tax $12.70 SS $3.88 Soldiers .10 cents E-2 Allotment $40 Bon $6.25 Monthly $65.27 semi monthly $32.62.

1962, Fire Fighter Aircraftt Crash Rescue.

Jan. 1, 1962, A2C (E-3).

Jan. 15, 1962, Fire Fighter Aircraft Crash Rescue course 5711.

Jun. 27, 1963, at Wheelus, Tripoli, Libya, assigned to the Rescue/fire Protection 7272nd Base Wing Group, attached to the 58th ARRS HH-43B helicopter Detachment, also I did fly to El Uotia Range 60 miles in the desert.

Oct. 9, 1963, USAFE water survival and personal equipment training. Capt Eugene W. Daniels OIC.

May 1, 1964, A3C Calvin F. Redemske, A3C Roger W. McDonald from Wheelus AB, Libya to El Uotia Range, Libya performing 4 round trips monthly during the period May 4, 1964.

Jun 27, 1964, on TDY to provide Air Rescue Fire Protection capability as crew members on HH-43B helicopter. Donald W More 2d Lt Chief.

TSgt Raymond Holt and A2C Clifford J Amundson Jr. was crew member of the HH-43B Rescue/Fire Protection 7272nd Base Wing Group Wheelus AB, Tripoli, Libya.

Apr. 3, 1964, on leave to Naples, Italy.

Mar. 15, 1965, at McCord AFB, WA. with the 325th Civil Engineering Sq., attached to Det. 5 WARC HH-43B unit.

Mar. 15, 1965, 325th Civil Engineering Sq. McChord AFB, WA. with Det. 5 WARC HH-43B helicopter as A57150 Rescue/Fire Protection.

Air University United States Air Force Extension Course Institute.

Mar. 24, 1965, hand shoulder B defense weapon.

Feb. 1, 1965, promoted from A2C (E-3) to A1C (E-4).

DD-214 McDonald, Roger Wayne AFxxxxxxxx A1C August 22, 1941 Caucasian male hair brown eye hazel height 5’ 10” US citizen weight 149, single discarded (SDN 273) physical disability 10% with entitlement to receive disability severance pay, Selective service local LB #18 Sana Rosa, Sonoma, California term of service term of service (year) 4 day 19 year 65 Airman First Class McChord AFB, WA. home 21048 Railroad Ave Geyserville, CA 95441
Total I service 7 years 2 months 3 days
Foreign 1 year 4 months 10 days. (That was on Wheelus AB)
James E. Kent commander Wheelus AB Libya
Air Force longevity service award, national defense service metal sharpshooter badge, rifle bar marksman badge, small arms marksmanship.

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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