Helicopter Accidents
This page documents U.S. Air Force helicopter accidents. If you have any information to contribute, please contact us.
Niagara Falls AFB, NY
22 Sep 1955
S/N 53-3791
The Times Record (Troy, NY)
Tue, Sep. 27, 1955, page 2
2 Airmen Die In Helicopter Crash
Niagara Falls (AP) — Two Air Force Officers were killed yesterday when a helicopter crashed in a farmer’s field about two miles northwest of the Niagara Falls Air Force Base.
The victims were identified as Lt. Edward C. Angel, 24, of Burbank, Calif., and A1C Vincent C. Neumann, 23, of Paterson, N.J. Both men were attached to the 15th Fighter Group.
The helicopter, a two-place Bell H-13 model, apparently crashed upside down in an open field. It missed a farm house by about 200 feet.
Air Force spokesmen said the craft was on a routine flight. Helicopter are attached to the fighter group for rescue work and similar missions.
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