David Smith

With 28th OMS, Ellsworth AFB, SD on UH-1.

1969 – 1968 With 21st SOS at NKP, Thailand on CH-3E’s.

1969 – 1979 at Eglin AFB, FL. on H-3’s.

1970 – 1971 With 21st SOS at NKP, Thailand on CH-53C’s.

1972 – 1973 at Shaw AFB on CH-53C’s.

1973 – 1976 at Kadena AB, Okinawa on H-3’s.

1976 – 1979 at McClellan AFB, Sacramento, CA on H-53’s.

1979 – 1982 at Kadena AB, Okinawa again on H-3’s & H-53’s.

1982 – 1988 at Kirtland AFB, NM. on HH-53’s.

I was on flying status at every base except Ellsworth where I flew left seat one pilot t.p. deliveries to missile silos…lol

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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