Posts Tagged ‘March 2006’
Prairie Fire Emergency Exfil – 18 Nov 69
THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2006 One Prairie Fire emergency exfil that I vividly recall occurred on 18 Nov 1969. Jerry Kibby was my co-pilot two FE’s /door gunners were SSgt Jim Burns and SSgt Charlie Hill. The SOG team had come into contact with the NVA close to “The Trail” during the night. After a running…
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THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2006 The Christmas tree was the hydraulic servos that were under the cockpit of the H-21. They were accessed by removing a panel under the nose. I think there were four of them & they were crisscrossed over top of each other & a bear to work on the top ones. I…
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THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2006 That is CPC corrosion preventive compound on the nose. We painted all the seams & chipped paint because we operated off the LST & it helped to keep the corrosion off the chopper. One day my pilot, Dick Bourne ask me if I could paint an 8 ball on the nose…
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