Jim Woolace

I attended Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio and graduated  4 years of a distinguished graduate and was given a regular commission. 

We attended Undergraduate Pilot Training at Vance Air Force Base, Enid, Oklahoma from July ’66 to Aug ’67. 

I was assigned to the 19th Military Airlift Squadron (Special) at Kelly AFB, San Antonio, Texas immediately thereafter and went TDY to Tinker AFB, Oklahoma for 10 weeks of Advanced Flying School for the C-124 cargo aircraft graduating in December ’67. 

I flew “Old Shakey” as co-pilot and first-pilot until the spring of 1969 when I received orders for helicopters and was sent to Sheppard AFB, Texas for 12 weeks of Helicopter Pilot Course flying the Bell TH-1F first and then the Kaman HH-43B. 

Upon completion we were PCS’d to Mountain Home AFB, Idaho for Aircraft Commander Upgrade Training in-unit.  That completed in the spring of 1971 I attended Basic Survival at Fairchild AFB Washington and shipped out to Viet Nam with a stopover at Clark AFB, P.I. for jungle survival. 

I spent a month at Tan Son Nhut and was shipped to Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai  AFB, Thailand where I served until 30 May of 1972 as Aircraft Commander, Instructor Aircraft Commander, Flight Examiner Aircraft Commander and Detachment Commander. During this NKP stint we upgraded the HH-43B’s to HH-43F models. 

I PCS’d  back to Mountain Home AFB, Idaho serving as an Instructor Aircraft Commander.  I attended the 4 week Pilot Advanced Flying Course at Hill, AFB Utah for 4 weeks transitioning into the Bell HH-1H helicopter and served as Instructor-Flight Examiner (Initial Cadre) in that model helo at Mountain Home until 2 years later when I attended another Pilot Advanced Flying Course at Hill AFB, Utah transitioning into the Bell UH-1N helo. 

Still at MHAFB I served as AC, IAC and FEAC in the bird until September of 1979 when I attended the U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue Basic Course at Governors Island, New York preparing for duty at the USAF Rescue Coordination Center at Scott AFB, Illinois from then until July of 1982.  

We returned to Mountain Home AFB, Idaho and a non-flying job where I was Chief, Operations and training and Chief of Airfield Management until our retirement date.

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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