Our Helicopters
The helicopter pictures portrayed here are a selection of the models most often utilized by the Air Force. There were many others that were given slightly different identification; depending on the type mission they were assigned.
Our Members
What started as sharing emails between amongst some old friends, transitioned into a blog and grew into a website to broaden the sharing of stories and photos. Today, our site aims to preserve the history of U.S. Air Force helicopters and the people who flew and maintained them. We thank and honor our members, and welcome their participation. We would like to continue our invitation to join and encourage everyone to participate.

A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.
Author unknown
Rotorhead (noun)
\ 'ro-tor-hed \
United States Air Force, Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve personnel (Aircrew members regardless of position and groundcrew assigned to the helicopter maintenance AFSC career field), past or present, which have been, or are assigned to, an Air Force helicopter unit.
USAF ROTORHEADS is a website paying tribute to all U.S. Air Force helicopter flight crew and ground maintenance for their sacrifices and dedicated service to our great country. We also honor those U.S. Air Force helicopter personnel that were POW/MIA/KIA in all armed conflicts to ensure their sacrifices will never be forgotten. Our goal is to document and preserve U.S. Air Force helicopter history from the Air Force’s beginning to present. We serve as a tool to allow members to share stories, pictures, and other items of Air Force helicopter interest. USAF ROTORHEADS provides a media for renewing old friendships and creating new friendships. Our vision is to become the “site of choice” relating to all U. S. Air Force helicopter matters.
“Statement of Purpose”
To provide a venue in which USAF ROTORHEADS are able to reunite with old friends and establish new friendships, and to share stories and pictures of their experiences.
To garner specific U.S. Air Force helicopter information and assemble in an all inclusive location for easy access.
“Mission Statement”
To preserve and safeguard the information contained in our Blog and on the website as a history of
United States Air Force helicopters and those that were associated with them.
To become the “site of choice” relating to all U. S. Air Force helicopter matters.

Sarah Beal Photo

Otto Kroger Photo
Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned
©2023 USAF Rotorheads All Rights Reserved | Financial Statement