USAF Helicopter Media
The various publication, movie, and video titles here are a list of any know stories and/or visual presentation of USAF helicopters and their missions and/or operations. All the listings are provided by the membership.
USAF helicopters may only be mentioned or shown briefly in some of this media, but provides insights into our history or technical specifications. Some of these items may no longer be available for purchase but might be found in libraries across the country.
USAF RotorHeads is not indorsing or recommending any of these items, but supplies this listing to provide awareness of media items that may be of interest to anyone seeking more information about USAF helicopters, reading or seeing stories, of USAF helicopter history.
Them | 1954 | H-5H |
Marooned | 1969 | HH-3E |
Airport 1975 | 1974 | HH-53B |
Firefox | 1982 | HH-53 |
Tomorrow Never Dies | 1997 | MH-53J |
The Day After Tomorrow | 2004 | CH-53E |
Transformers | 2007 | MH-53J |
Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen | 2009 | MH-53J |
55 Days | The Fall Of South Vietnam | Alan Dawson | 0-13-314476-3 |
A Certain Brotherhood | A Novel Of The Secret War Over The Ho Chi Minh Trail | Col. Jimmie H. Buttler | 1-58881-005-4 |
Air Commando | Inside The Air Force Special Operations Command | Philip D. Chinnery | 312958811 |
Air Commando Chronicles | Vietnam, Latin America, and Back Again | Col. Bob Gleason | 897452496 |
Air Commando One | Heinie Aderholt And America's Secret Air Wars | Warren A. Trest | 156098807X |
A Very Short War | The Mayaguez and the Battle of Koh Tang | John F. Guilmartin, Jr. | 0-89096-665-6 |
Across The Fence | The Secret War In Vietnam | John Stryker Meyer | 0-9743618-1-X |
Air War In Vietnam | Phil Chinnery | 0-671-08927-7 | |
Air War Over South Vietnam 1968-1975 | Bernard C. Nalty | 0-16-050914-9 | |
Air War Over Southeast Asia | A Pictorial Record Vol. 3 1971-1975 | Lou Drendel | 0-89747-148-2 |
Any Time Any Place | Philip D. Chinnery | 9781557500373 | |
Apollo's Warriors | United States Air Force Special Operations During the Cold War | Col. Michael E. Haas | 1-58566-035-3 |
Arsenal Of Democracy II | American Military Power In The 1980s and The Origins Of The New Cold War | Tom Gervasi | 0-394-17662-6 |
Chariots Of The Damned | Helicopter Special Operations from Vietnam To Kosovo | Maj. Mike McKinney* and Mike Ryan | 0-312-98980-6 |
Cheating Death | Combat Air Rescues In Vietnam And Laos | George J. Marrett | 1-58834-104-6 |
Combat Search And Rescue In Desert Storm | Darrel D. Whitcomb* | 1-58566-153-8 | |
Covert Ops | The CIA's Secret War In Laos | James E. Parker, Jr. | 0-312-96340-8 |
Escape From Laos | Dieter Dengler | 0-89141-076-7 | |
Eyewitness Vietnam | 1st Hand Accounts from Operations Rolling Thunder to the Fall of Saigon | Donald L. Gilmore with D. M. Giangreco | 1-4027-2852-2 |
From a Dark Sky | The Story of U.S. Air Force Special Operations | Orr Kelly | 0-7881-6839-8 |
Green Hornets | The History Of The U.S. Air Force 20th Special Operations Squadron | Wayne Mutza* | 978-0-7643-2779-7 |
H-3 Sea King In Action | Squadron/Signal Publications Aircraft Number 150 | Al Adcock | 0-89747-330-2 |
Heart Of The Storm | My Adventures As A Helicopter Rescue Pilot And Commander | Col. Edward Fleming | 0-471-26436-9 |
Helicopters | Military Hardware In Action | Mark Dartford | 0-8225-4704-4 |
Helicopters & Autogyros Of The World | Enlarged and revised edition | Paul Lambermont with Anthony Pine | 0-498-07671-7 |
Helicopters And Other VTOL's | Hal Hellman | 76-126383 | |
Helicopter Gunships | Wayne Mutza* | 978-1-58007-154-3 | |
Helicopters Of the World | Michael J.H. Taylor and John W.R. Taylor | 0-684-15865-5 | |
I Flew With Heroes | A True Story of Rescue & Recovery Durng Vietnam War Including Raid at Son Tay | Lt. Col. (Ret) Thomas R. Waldron* | 978-1-46992-547-9 |
How The Helicopter Changed Modern Warfare | Walter J. Boyne | 978-1-58980-700-6 | |
Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Military Aircraft | 1914 To Present | Enzo Angelucci | 0-7858-1359-4 |
Interdiction in Southern Laos 1960-1968 | Jacob Van Staaveren | 0-912799-80-3 | |
Kaman H-43 | An Illustrated History | Wayne Mutza | 0-7643-0529-8 |
Kaman H-43 Huskie | A Lifetime After Military Service | Johan D. Ragy* | 978-90-71553-19-6 |
Last Man Out | A Personal Account of the Vietnam War | James E. Parker, Jr. | 978-0-307-48697-4 |
Leave No Man Behind | The Saga Of Combat Search And Rescue | George Galdorisi and Tom Phillips | 978-0-7603-2392-2 |
MASH Angels | Richard C. Kirkland | 978-158080158-4 | |
Memories Of Naked Fanny | Nakhon Phanom, RTAFB | Robert Dennard | 978-0-9844869-0-8 |
Military Helicopters Of The World | Military Rotary-Wing Aircraft Since 1917 | Norman Polmar and Floyd D. Kennedy, Jr. | 0-87021-383-0 |
Modern Military Aircraft | Bill Gunston | 0-517-22477-1 | |
National Museum Of The United States Air Force | A Pictorial Tour Of The Museum, 2nd Revised Ed (2007) | 0-9611634-2-9 | |
On a Steel Horse I Ride | A History of the MH-53 Pave Low Helicopters in War and Peace | Darrel C. Whitcomb* | 978-1-58566-220-3 |
One Day Too Long | Top Secret Site 85 and the Bombing of North Vietnam | Timothy N. Castle | 0-231-10316-6 |
PJ's in Vietnam | The Story of Air Rescue in Vietnam as seen through the eyes of Pararescuemen | SMSgt Robert L. LaPointe | 0-9708671-0-7 |
Search And Rescue In Southeast Asia | Earl H. Tilford Jr. | 92-37232 | |
Secret War | Billy G. Webb | 978-1-4535-6485-1 | |
Shadow War | The CIA's Secret War In Laos | Kenneth Conboy | 978-0-87364-825-7 |
SOG | A Photo History of the Secret Wars | John L. Plaster | 1-58160-058-5 |
SOG | The Secret Wars Of America's Commandos In Vietnam | John Plaster | 0-684-81105-7 |
SOG | MACV Studies & Opservations Group VOLUME I | Harve Saal | 0-9625970-2-3 |
SOG | MACV Studies & Observations Group VOLUME IV | Harve Saal | 0-9625970-6-6 |
Tails Of A Helicopter Pilot | Richard C. Kirkland | 1-56098-985-1 | |
Tails Of A War Pilot | Richard C. Kirkland | 1-56098-888-6 | |
The Complete Book Of Helicopters | D. N. Ahnstrom | 54-8173 | |
The Four Day of Mayaguez | Roy Rowan | 978-0-393-33244-5 | |
The Helicopter Directory | Joseph Mill Brown | 0-7153-7053-7 | |
The Korean War | An Encyclopedia | Stranley Sandler | 0-8240-4445-2 |
The Last Battle | Ralph Wetterhahn | 0-7867-0858-1 | |
The Rescue Of Bat 21 | Darrel D. Whitcomb* | 1-55750-946-8 | |
The Secret Vietnam War | The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975 | Jeffrey D. Glasser | 0-7864-2284-6 |
The Secret War Against Hanoi | Kennedy's and Johnson's Use of Spies, Saboteurs, & Covert Warriors in NVN | Richard H. Shultz, Jr. | 0-06-019454-5 |
The Story of the Winged-S | Igor I. Sikorsky | ||
The United States Air Force In Southeast Asia | Tactical Airlift | Ray L. Bowers | |
The USAF Search and Rescue in southeast Asia | 1961-1975 | Office of Air Force History | |
The War Against Trucks | Aerial Interdiction in Southern Laos 1968-1972 | Bernard C. Nalty | 0-16-072494-5 |
The World's Helicopters | Joan Bradbrooke | 0 370 01557 6 | |
Those Brave Crews | Ray Ward | 0-89288-144-5 | |
UH-1 Huey In Action | Squadron/Signal Publications Aircraft Number 75 | Wayne Mutza* | 0-89747-179-3 |
US Air Force Special Operations | Rick Llinares & Andy Evans | 978-1-906959-21-0 | |
Vietnam Air Rescues | Dave Richardson | 978-1434891341 | |
Vietnam Choppers | Helicopters In Battle 1950-1975 | Simon Dunstan | 1-84176-796-4 |
Vietnam The Helicopter War | Philip D. Chinnery | 1-55750-875-5 |
* Indicates USAF Rotorheads Member
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