Final Flights

“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
     -- General George S Patton, Jr.


The "Final Flight" page is for honoring and remembering those members of the Air Force helicopter family. Our friends will always be remembered as the great persons they were and for the part they played in our Air Force life.

Some may not have been a member of USAF ROTORHEADS, however they were friends of members. Had they been given the opportunity they would have been welcomed to the group.

NOTE: Those members of the Air Force helicopter family that were lost during armed conflict are honored on the "Armed Conflict" and "SEA KIA/MIA" pages of the website.

Aamodt, Donald V.
Abara, Jose G. (KIA)
Abend, Alvin R.
Abernathy, Darrel L.
Acha, Edgardo L.
Ackfeld, Virgil F.
Acosta, Jorge A. Jr.
Acton, John C. Jr.
Adams Robert F.
Adams, David Lee
Adams, J.D. – AZ
Adams, Lee S.
Adams, Lee Sherwood
Adams, Richard E.
Adams, Richard Ewers
Adams, Ronald Gary
Adams, Victor R.
Adamson, Derry Allan
Adcox, Alfred
Adrian, John M. – UT
Agle, Addison
Aharonian, Aharon
Aikman, Rex Jr.
Ainsworth, Richard L. Sr.
Albanese, John E. Jr. (KIA)
Albee, Norman Ray
Albers, Robert M.
Albert, Joyce A.
Alberts, John Clark
Alden, Frank A.
Alderette, Joe
Aldred, Billy J.
Alexander, Donald M.
Alexander, Louie – TX
Alexander, Robert F.
Alho, Antonio L. (KIA)
Alho, Antonio Lopez
Allen, Joe K.
Allen, John Charles
Allen, Marsha L.
Allen, Marvin B.
Allen, Marvin Beal
Allen, Robert D.
Allen, Ronald M.
Allen, William
Alley, James H. (KIA)
Allison, John V.
Allred, Perry L. Jr.
Allred, Ralph L.
Almanzar, Donald H.
Alston, William M.
Altenhofen, Keith
Amonet, Truman
Anderson, Donald A.
Anderson, Gregory L. (KIA)
Anderson, John R.
Anderson, Roger N. Sr.
Anderson, Willard C.
Andreus, Frank Crawford II
Andrews, Johnnie O.
Angel, Edward G.
Anshus, Jeffrey D.
Archer, Andrew J. M.
Archuleta, Tamara Long
Arens, Gerald F.
Arke, Douglas Del
Armenia, James E.
Armour, Jeffery R.
Armstrong, Edward
Armstrong, George F.
Armstrong, Michael Robert
Armstrong, Verne
Armstrong, William C.
Arnau, Robert – CA
Artley, John C.
Ashton, Clyde H.
Atkinson, James D.
Aufderheide, Edward H.
Augustine, John Martin
Aukshun, Rodney
Ausdal, Donald P.
Austin, Brett Colby
Avery, Allen J. Jr. (KIA)
Avery, Billy Joe
Backlund, Donald Roy
Bacon, Burdette A.
Baehr, Donald Gene
Baggs, John T.
Bailey, Harold H.
Bair, Thomas E.
Bakke, Karlton I.
Baldwin, Robert L. (KIA)
Baliles, Roy Kenneth
Ball, Dennis Hubert
Ball, Robert L.
Ball, Robert L.
Ballinger, Joe – KS
Ballmes, O’Dean E.
Banas, Raymond Gary
Banick, Theodore John
Bantz, James C.
Barfield, James S.
Barker, Robert G.
Barnes, Joe Sr.
Barnes, Paul Herman
Barnes, Walter Joseph Jr.
Barrett, Guy K.
Barrett, Lawrence A.
Barrett, Noel Anthony
Bartley, Carl I.
Barton, James B.
Bass, Thomas Cleveland
Bathman, Charles D.
Bauer, James Francis
Bauer, Thomas Allen
Baughman, John S.
Baur, David H. Sr.
Beach, Dennis M.
Beahm, Richard T.
Beam, Elwood Ray
Beasley, Gary – FL
Beasley, Willis Rae
Beauvais, Donald Keith
Becquet, Eugene B.
Bedingfield, James
Bedore, Lawrence P.
Beerman, Frederick W.
Behnke, Patrick J.
Beland, Duane – WA
Belina, John L.
Bell, Holly G. (KIA)
Bell, Marvin E. (KIA)
Bell, Robert J.
Belser, Ritchie Hugh Jr.
Belton, Larry – NC
Beltz, Thomas Robert
Benner, Gregg A. – NM
Bennett, Clyde Eugene
Bennett, Robert Earl
Bennett, Robert J.
Benno, Michael Peter
Benoit, Guy R.
Benson, Billy G.
Benton Sr., Andrew
Bergstresser, Robert A. Sr.
Bernier, Clarence G.
Berry, Robert L.
Berthold, Bert – FL
Beseke, Jeff Allen
Beury, Howard C.
Bevis, Michael C.
Biebel, William J.
Bigelow, Daniel J.
Biggs, Robert D.
Birch, Richard Leon
Bird, Grant Milford
Bird, John Frank
Bird, Ralph Michael
Birmingham, Russell T.
Birtel, Harry
Bishop, Joseph C.
Blackburn, James L.
Blackburn, William A.
Blackledge, Douglas Faust
Blaess, Edward M.
Blair, Donald Charles Jr.
Blamer, Eric H.
Bledsoe, Milard L. E. (KIA)
Blei, Cyril John
Bleier, Robert W.
Blewitt, James “Jim” R.
Bloom, Chad M.
Bobbitt, Scott Alan
Bobo, Henry Williams
Boehm, Charles Edward
Boese, Larry A.
Bohl, George H.
Bond, Charles W.
Bonnell, George H. III (KIA)
Booth, Robert E.
Booth, Walter C. (KIA)
Borland, Melroy
Boudreaux, Don Mervyn
Bounds, Lee E.
Bourcier, James Barry
Bourne, Dick – ND
Bourne, Richard Wentworth
Bowden, Bruce C.
Bowers, Friddie – MO
Bowers, Robert Neal
Bowman, Jesse C. (KIA)
Boyd, Stanley M.
Boyd, Thomas L. Sr.
Boyd, William P.
Bozek, Yvonne C.
Bradley, Preston Elmo
Bradshaw, David Wayne
Bradshaw, William H.
Brady, Edward Denis
Brady, Philip Lawrence III

Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned

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