Kittleson, Kennth E.

Kenneth E. Kittleson, Lt. Colonel, USAF (Retired)
February 05, 1928 – December 16, 2003
Kenneth E. Kittleson – A loving husband, devoted father and loyal friend died on December 16, 2003, in Mesa, Arizona after a courageous battle with cancer.
Born to Casper and Doris Kittleson, the younger of two children graduated from Washington State University Class of 52 and then entered the Air Force.
He married his love Kathey Jenson in 1954 in Spokane Washington. They had three children, Stephen, Jeffrey, and Stefanie.
Kenneth served his country as an officer and pilot in the USAF for 28 years. Overseas assignments included duty in South Korea, Japan, Thailand, and the Philippines as well as two tours in Vietnam as a rescue pilot. He retired as a Lt Col in 1980 in Ogden, Utah where he and Kathey lived until they relocated to Arizona in 1993.
Because I fly, I laugh more than other men, I look up and see more than they. I know how clouds feel, what it’s like to have the blue in my lap. Who but I can slice between God’s billow legs and feel them laugh and crash with His steps. Who else has seen the unclimbed peaks, the rainbow’s secret, the real reason birds sing. Because I fly, I envy no man on Earth.
Kenneth is survived by his wife Kathey, children Stephen, Jeffrey, Stefanie and their families and his sister Marion (Kit) Richards. A memorial service and celebration of his life will be held on January 24, 2004, in Mesa Arizona on January 26, 2004, his ashes will be interned to the National Cemetery Point Loma, San Diego, California. For details to attend you may Email his daughter
Death has claimed his body, but his spirit lives on in the people he touched and loved.
Burial information: National Cemetery Point Loma, San Diego, CA
Major Kittleson served a Vietnam War tour as a HH-3E pilot with Det. 5, 38th ARRS and Det. 2, 37th ARRS in the 1967-1968-time frame.
Integrity, Honor, and Respect
Some of the best things cannot be bought, they must be earned
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